Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Day Sunshine!

Oh! I'm so excited its spring. Really, for a number of reasons.

1. You can open the sunroof. Nuf said!
2. No need for coats, but you can still wear scarves and tights without looking weird.
3. The cherry blossom trees are in full bloom everywhere.
4. Outdoor Concerts!
5. Its not getting dark around four.
6. You don't have to feel weird for buying sunglasses. Give me some Ray bans! hehe

Band I Recently Discovered

State Radio is an alternate rock/ reggae/ ska/ indie band from Massachusetts. Known for their inspiring political songs.

Tired Pony is an indie/rock band. The singer is Gary from Snow Patrol.

 The Hard Lessons is a indie/rock band from Michigan.

What is Indie?

Indie is short for independent and usually refers to a genre of music. However now it also refers to style, films, artists, and a lifestyle.

There is no defined description of what indie really means. However, the basic outline of indie is: winged eyeliner, listening to awesome music at local gigs, vintage clothing, a bit of a grungy/bedraggled look, love of owls, very big into art, bangs, skinny jeans, and being able to express yourself differently  from the norm.

But really, indie is a state of mind. If you like indie obscure music that nobody know of, watch indie movies and dont really like anything mainstream... then your indie.
And really if you have to say your indie... then your not.

I love the style and I love the music.

Fashion Trends or Individual Style?

I'm all for individual style. I think it reflects who you are, what you like, and that you are confident to march to your own band. Trends however are nice details to your style that you can mix in.

Popular Trends now:
60's style
High waisted flare jeans
Flatform shoes
Coral, cobalt blue, and orange colored outfits.

My Individual Style:
Skeleton key necklaces
Infinity scarves
Fun nails
Black top with straight leg dark wash jeans
Turquoise jewelry
Vintage nude swede heels

Thoughts on burring the hatchet

To forgive is to excuse for a fault or an offense or to renounce anger of resentment against a person. 

Almost everyone has had the experience where someone has wronged us in some way. This often results in us being angry, hurt and maybe even begin to hate the person. I find that we can not help what other people do to us, but can help how we react. We can retaliate back, or we can forgive and forget. 

I find that keeping a grudge is not a healthy thing to do. It makes you live in anger, which is a very sad and unhealthy way to live. Really, I think keeping a grudge hurts you more than the other person. Being angry causes stress which is said to cause many health problems. The person who you have a grudge may feel upset for a bit that you are angry at them, but in all honestly they get over it.

Life isn't quality life if you live it in anger.   

Spontanious Planner?

As I am graduating high school soon, I often get the question: "What do you plan to do with your life?" Well, I've always been a planner so I have my life pretty much planned out. However I don't plan out every little detail... I like to also have plans that are unexpected. I think everyday life would be boring if you don't leave room for surprises.

However here is my life outline:

Graduate school by July.

Take August completely off , enjoy summer, and pat myself on the back for years of hard work. I also plan to go to the beach, hit every concert out there, and relax with friends.

Then in September to December, I will take part time bookkeeping courses most likely at Langara college. I will also still work part time at a dental office in White Rock and do volunteer Bible work full time. I also plan to travel a bit during this time.

Then in December I will take a full time Dental Receptionist course at VCC. I doubt I will have too much extra time except a bit during the weekends.

After I graduate the course I will find a good part time job, and continue with my Bible volunteer work. During this time I will also move out on my own with my best friend Alex as a roommate. Most likely we will move out to Vancouver, but we'll see when the time comes! 

This is the end to my set out plans. After this I only have vague ideas what I want to do. Fall in love, travel, be happy, and help others.

Is it all hunky-dorky to tell a whooper?

Is it OK to tell a tall story? To deceive someone? To fudge the truth? To slander? To exaggerate? To bluff? To mislead someone? Or to just plain lie?

This question is most often in the "Grey zone" for people. It's not just black and white. There are many factors that people look at to see if it is right.

For example, most people  seem to lie when:
The lie is small and the truth would hurt more than a lie.
When the lie is covering up a special surprise of happy secret. 
When the lie helps save you in a dangerous situation for example if your house gets broken into.

As well most people seem to agree that lieing is bad when:
The lie hurts or harms someone.
When it breaks the trust in a relationship.
When you to lie to save yourself from taking responsibility for your actions.

For me personally I would not lie. I would always try to tell the truth. However there are times when I stretch the truth. For example if a meal is not that great and the cook asks me if I like it, I would always say that it is great or that I love some aspect of of the meal instead of saying it was boarder line gross. 

I think this topic is very interesting. It tests peoples ethics and beliefs.